Youth & Chaplaincy Director

Youth & Chaplaincy Director


The salvation of youth through Jesus Christ.  We understand youth ministries to be that work of the church that is conducted for, with, and by young people.


The Advent message to the world in my generation.


The love of Christ compels me.


Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the youth ministries of the church, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the world.

Ambassador Club Ministry

The Ambassador Group is an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church dedicated to meeting the spiritual, social, and lifestyle needs of youth ages 16-20’s by challenging them to experiencing and sharing a personal relationship with Christ, developing a lifestyle fitting their belief system and vocational interest, and providing them with an adequate venue for wholesome development of lifelong friendships.


The Advent Message to All the World in My Generation. 

My relationship to Jesus Christ is of such a nature that it compels me to share with any who will receive it, the gospel—the good news of His soon return.

The Love of Christ Compels Me

I am drawn to Him by His exemplary life, the symbolic act of His crucifixion, His conquering resurrection, and His promise of an earth made new in the pattern of the original creation. The closer I find myself to Him, the closer I find myself identifying with the needs of my fellow human beings.

Young Adult Ministry

Created by youth for youth: making disciples from adolescence to young adults.

The story of the Adventist Youth Society, now titled Young Adults (YA), began over 125 years ago along a dusty country lane in Michigan with two young boys kneeling in prayer. Today that dusty lane has become a world-wide web of highways that links over 10 million Seventh-day Adventist young people in nearly every political entity on every continent of the globe. This story comes in every hue of the rainbow; it is filled with extremes of exhilaration and mountaintop experiences, as well as deep sadness and unfulfilled dreams. This is the story of God’s leading a fascinating army down through the battles of the great over arching conflict that is life as we know it now.

Campus Ministry

Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.  1 Corinthians 11:1


To transform students on non-Adventist campuses into Seventh-day Adventist ambassadors of Christ in colleges/universities, churches, communities, and the world at large.


To inspire Seventh-day Adventist students to be disciples of Christ and empower them to share the everlasting gospel on campus.

Inspire to Be. Empower to Share.

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